
Orange is vibrant. It’s hot, healthy, fruity and engaging – but it can be abrasive and crass. It’s a polarizing color. People either love it or detest it.
Orange is the only color of the spectrum whose name was taken from an object, the popular fruit – the orange. In nature it’s the color of vivid sunsets, fire, vegetables, flowers, fish, and many citrus fruits. In our contemporary world, orange is the color of marmalade, Halloween, traffic cones, life rafts, cheetos, and Halloween.
Orange symbolizes energy, vitality, cheer, excitement, adventure, warmth, and good health. However, pure orange can be brass; however, it may suggest a lack of serious intellectual values and bad taste.
Orange is currently a trendy, hip color. It was a “groovy color” back in the 70s and then it faded away. In 1991, an article in Forbes magazine about how orange affects consumer choices concluded that orange meant cheap. (Note: “Cheap” in this case meant a good buy for the money.)
It’s worth noting that there are many shades of orange – and different meanings. Some may be more appealing to those who find orange difficult: terracotta or cayenne – a dark orange, persimmon – a red-orange, pumpkin – a pure orange, mango – a yellow orange, salmon – a pink orange, melon – a light orange,.
Vo svojej práci sa zaoberám antropocénom a vizuálnou analýzou paralel medzi behom a slobodou a ich vzťahom k ideológii kapitalizmu. Behanie je aktivita, ktorá vedie k nejakému „cieľu“, pomáha nám zlepšiť našu výkonnosť v každodennom živote a má nám poskytnúť pocit „slobody“. Podobne ako (platená) práca, ktorá nám poskytuje oslobodenie v rámci nejakého systému. Tento pocit slobody a cieľ je však špekulatívnym paradoxom, meta-bublinou. Je to abstraktný pocit, pojem, ktorý neexistuje. Spektakulárne zdanie. Je to zároveň pohyb aj zastavenie.